
Angel at Our Door

It’s Christmas and our power is out.
Like so many others, our area was hit by a powerful storm that featured everything from unseasonably warm temperatures and rain to a rapid chill with fierce winds. That’s a recipe for a power outage.
But we’re among the lucky ones.  We have a generator that supplies enough power to keep us warm and well-lit.
Until it didn’t. After running continuously for more than 24 hours, it quit.
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Holding Hope

I received the paperweight in this photo more than 40 years ago during what had just become the darkest Advent season of my life. 

“This is a gift from Mrs. McCord and me,” the president of Princeton Seminary said to me as he pressed it in my hand. 

A freak accident had injured my (at that time) husband, and radically altered the course of both of our lives.  Sitting in the hospital chapel, having just received the news and allowing the gravity of the situation sink in, I was surprised to look up and see President McCord slide into the pew beside me.  “I’m here to pray with you,” he said. Keep reading

Letting Go

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly five years since a major renovation to our house was nearing completion.  As I look back, I’m thinking about what that project taught me – lessons about far more than tearing down and rebuilding physical structures. That project taught me not to fear letting go of what no longer works in my life, whether it’s a job I’ve outgrown, a toxic relationship, or a living situation that no longer meets my needs.

Letting go means leaving behind what has become familiar and comfortable, even though it may have long since ceased being useful or lifegiving.  It means stepping into the new and unknown.  That can be overwhelming and frightening.
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